Finding A Job During A Global Pandemic: 4 Ways to Tackle The Challenge Today

Times are tough. We all feel it. COVID-19 has been impacting our lives in ways we could not have imagined just a year ago. The job market is no exception. Work environments have mostly transformed into more or less temporary home office settings, companies in various industries are experiencing a dramatic decline in business and hiring freezes have become part of our “new normal”. The status quo appears bleak. Or does it? If you are currently on the job hunt, it does not pay off to hold a glass half empty. Instead, look closer, acknowledge but do not surrender to the challenge. We recommend you consider the following:

1. View the challenge as a chance: It is easy to get carried away in current times. Negativity seems as contagious as the virus itself. The job market for many industries is certainly experiencing disruptions. However, companies are still hiring. In fact, we have even been witnessing increased demands for qualified professionals in certain industries like telecommunications and even in certain practice groups in the legal field. As the Coronavirus has shaken up the global economy, maybe your individual skill set is even more in demand than it was before. The best way for you to locate new opportunities is to view the status quo from the perspective of potential employers: Which industries have been least affected? Which companies may even be benefitting? What qualities may they be particularly looking for in candidates now?

2. Network, network, network: Working on your network may be even more crucial now than before the pandemic. Think about it: With millions of workers being banned from entering their offices, the appreciation for human interaction is certainly increasing. Chances are high that you will find it easier to connect with others and expand your network. And after all, isn’t the current situation at least an ideal conversational springboard? Time to ditch the weather talk! But in all seriousness: We recommend you reach out to people of interest, ask questions and build up your network. Platforms like LinkedIn are ideal to find and interact not just with human resources managers or employees at interesting companies you may share your alma mater with. They may not lead you to a job offer tomorrow, but might, at the very least, come in handy the day after.

3. Touch up your documents: What better time to sharpen your virtual pencil and carefully review the documents that are so crucial for every application. Be it with or without professional assistance, your résumé is always up for some adjustments. Maybe you have gained new skills or, after considering our first tip, feel like you want to give your resumé a new spin. Now is the ideal time to put some effort into what we tend to procrastinate on.

4. Educate yourself: To those of you that may have just graduated, it may sound disheartening. And to those that are a long way into their professional lives, it might just equally do. However, furthering your skills and educational background may be one of your smartest moves. Not only will you always personally benefit from expanding your horizon, gaining new skills and learning something. But at the same time, look ahead: in your next interview, you may proudly demonstrate your level of productivity by pointing your possible, new employer to the latest educational achievements. Now may just be the perfect time to start Coursera, a part-time or full-time master’s program or to obtain a certificate in a discipline that will become your next big selling point. The offerings are increasing almost on a daily basis and we have been observing the most innovative programs by schools and institutions around the globe.

Reach out to us for a free consultation to learn how our services can support you in the job application process. We offer highly specialized expertise in helping our clients navigate and optimize their chances of getting admitted for their desired roles. As trained lawyers, we add our advocacy skills to polish your application documents and are passionate about making them a winning case.

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