What we do

Career Services

our offering

We are passionate about assisting you in your next endeavor.

We support your professional development: from reviewing cover letters, résumés or writing samples, to one-on-one coaching for interviews and general career advice. We have conducted interviews at job fairs, helped design recruiting campaigns and are thus ideally positioned to advise you on how to best prepare for your next role at an international company (based in the US, UK, or elsewhere).

Strategic approach

Close contact with consultants

Intercultural understanding

Broad experience in recruiting

For students/young professionals

General Career Consulting

We will explore your possibilities for your career development, be they specific career moves, job options, locations, or advanced study programs. We are also passionate about providing young and aspiring lawyers with mentorship that will make a difference in their careers.

For your next interview

Interview Preparation

Regardless of your profession, we will assist you in preparing for your upcoming interviews. We will help you polish your presentation in English, organize your thoughts, and show you strategies to master difficult interview situations (behavioral questions, cultural misunderstandings, or proper etiquette).

For everything else

Personalized Services

We realize that our service offerings may not cover your individual needs. If you wish to use our expertise for a particular project or occasion, please do not hesitate to reach out and we will be glad to offer you personalized services.

graphic-dots-impact-yellowStep by step

Career Kick-off


Résumé/CV Review

We will review your résumé carefully and ensure that it properly reflects your profile and experience. It is the foundation of your application.


Cover Letters

We will guide you in drafting up to three cover letters that display your skills, tell a unique personal story and make a compelling and comprehensive case for why you are the right fit for the designated role.


Interview Preparation

With hundreds of interviews conducted and extensive training, we will ensure that you avoid typical pitfalls, be they cultural or rhetoric, feel confident about your presentation and leave a strong impression with your interviewers. This includes a one-hour interview preparation and a 30-minute mock interview.

Our pricing

We cater to your needs

Career Services
(in USD)
  • Career Kick-off Package: $750
  • Legal Career Consulting: $250/hour
  • Interview Preparation: $250/hour
  • Personalized Service: $250/hour
  • *For NT or RMB pricing, please contact us.
Career Services
(in USD)
  • Career Kick-off Package: $750
  • Legal Career Consulting: $250/hour
  • Interview Preparation: $250/hour
  • Personalized Service: $250/hour
  • *For NT or RMB pricing, please contact us.
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